Tuesday, February 16, 2010

:: Tag : How I Meet My Beloved Hubby ::

Ni 1st time in my life kene TAG ngan Pa'a..sgt sonok okeh! Thanks Pa'a..=)

1) First time jumpa with your hubby bila dan kat mana? 

Tahun 2000 masa tgh study, dia yg tegur dulu..then, buat2 sombong..=p

2) Love at first sight?

Bukan cinta pertama, tp hanya dia yg ku cintai, tika ini+saat ini+waktu ini, i'allah, hanya dia sampai ke akhir waktu..:)

3) Who is he when the first time u met him?

Study sama2 dlm 1class, kira classmate la nie..=p

4) How long it takes for him to ask you out for a date?

dating ber2 tu mmg takes time, tp, selalu kua ramai2 aje..xberani nk kua ber2, takot oooo...

5) 1st place dating di..


6) How he proposed?

Dlm phone, masa tu 1st Jan 2006, (hubby ckp, aku nk anta rombongan meminang ni, ko ok ke x?) ade ke patut?ish3..

7) Special date with your hubby?..

Tarikh Nikah kami 1.12.2007

8) Changes that he asked you to do??..

M'jadi ibu yg terbaik utk anak+bakal anak2 nya..N xlupa, Hubby juga xbyk komplen+menerima daku seadanya, ecewaaahhh! =)

9) What about him that you love so much?.

Suka memujuk+kuat mengalah pd isterinya yg keras kepala, hehehehehe....

10) What is about him that you wish he would change?

kurang kan berat badan! haha..makin hari mcm dipam2 aje hubby aku nie.. terlebey makan sudaaaaa...(senang hati kot) aku pulak yg makin kering, kui3.

11) You will lose your mind n crack your head when he?..

xde kat umah/kene kua bekerja kalo aku tgh bercuti....

12) You will smile thru your eyes for the whole day when he?..

Hubby ajak g jenjalan/ g shopping...aku tunjuk je, dia yg bayo, hahhahahah!

Complete below sentences "my love towards my hubby is as big as.."...

All over the world..=)

p/s : haaaa...da siap punnnn...sila la buat homework ni kpd cik2 puan di bawah yer :

layan pic lama kejap, hehehehe

**korang buatla...blh refresh balik memory the good old days, syokkkkk oooooo..............:)


  1. wah da siap! best2.. smoga berkekalan ke akhr hayat kak.. :)

  2. pa'a--> masheh yek pa'a..wish for U too! =)

  3. hehe..kita dh kena tag ni..tp lum jwb laeeii..nnti la jwb 1 kali eh! :p

  4. >> mamalieyna--> kamu di TAG, cepat buat homework..kuikuikui....
